Her Ears are Back and She's Growling!

Dogs sometimes send mixed signals. It is not uncommon to see a dog wagging its tail while simultaneously growling fearsomely.

How do you interpret this behavior? More importantly, what do you do when forced to make a decision about how to behave yourself? Should you pet the dog or run screaming for cover?

Take the example of Millie. She has her ears pulled back. She is scared and upset, and may bite you if you reach to pet her. The best thing to do is to calmly and quietly walk away and leave her alone.

3 komentar:

inop said...

peace dont attack me.sorry kalau gabener tulisannya masih belajar bahasa inggris bro.sukses

andre said...

wah,anjingnya galak bener. lebih galak mana yach kalo dibanding penulisnya..???he..he...*kaburr..*

Admin said...

dog = hot dog ,enak :P

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